Matt McGuire

Matt McGuire

9 Comments Add your own

  • 1. Gail Bolthouse  |  July 24, 2009 at 8:30 am

    Hi Matt,

    I think it is so awesome you were able to go on this trip. God has plans for you, lean on him. I saw you in some of the pictures, looks like you having a good time. I just wanted you to know Me and Mr. Bolthouse are praying for you and rest of the group. Mrs. Bolthouse

  • 2. Matt  |  July 24, 2009 at 12:23 pm

    Thanks Mrs. Bolthouse. I am having a really good time. we raised four houses with our teams. My team was an intern named Erin, and we have Bob Boom, Erika Zemaitis, Adam Sherman and Marie Vanderjagt on our team as well. We left La Bendicion, which was the first town we went to, and I made friends with a little boy named Eduardo. Gotta go and hand out meds, so I will share the rest later.

    🙂 matt

  • 3. Kim Dickson  |  July 24, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    Hey Matt

    I am Abby Grit’s mom and am so glad you were able to make the trip and be a great contribution and insperation to all. Take joy in knowing you were able to better someones life all in the name of Christ. Enjoy the rest of your trip and have a great trip home.

    Kim and Will Dickson

  • 4. CamieCakes  |  July 24, 2009 at 10:23 pm

    Hi Matt,
    keep up the good work and have fun, and please say hi to Shanno Weaver from Camiecakes

  • 5. Matt  |  July 24, 2009 at 10:43 pm

    Thanks to everyone who posted here. I really appreciate it. We had our first medical clinic today and it smelled like pills in there… and I dislike the smell of pills, because I don’t like taking them. Tomorrow we start the second medical; clinin and I hope it will be a better turnout than tonight.

    time for bed,

  • 6. Matt  |  July 25, 2009 at 7:51 am

    Wow… last nights sleep was great! we came home from the first medical clinic at around 10:30pm Guatemalan time (12:30 Michigan time) and about all of us fell asleep in the vans we take to get back to base camp. How we fell asleep, I will never know (the road was really bumpy, and I could have sworn that I hit my head on the window a million times…). When we got back here, we all almost instantly went to the dorm rooms and Adam was the first to fall asleep. I went on here to let you guys know how the day was. At the clinic, we gave meds out to Guatemalan families. After that, we showed them a Jesus film (in spanish). When the movie was over, we all came to the front of the crowd and sang 3 songs. Some testimonies were shared after that, and Erika, Shannon, and Chris shared theirs. Then our friend Hermano Jesus Spoke a WONDERFUL sermon! almost everyone in our group cried, and I think I found out why God wanted me to come on this trip. I think that He wanted me to be the comfort of others. I think that He still has plans for me on this trip. We are allowed free time until 9:00am Guatemalan time (11:00 Michigan time) so I am spending some of it here writing to all who posted here.
    Well, I am gonna go and get some breakfast (pancakes).


  • 7. Stan McGuire  |  July 26, 2009 at 7:45 am

    Hiya Bud!
    are you using your Spanish? We’ve been praying for you and the gang. I want to hear good things about what God is doing down there. I hope you are having a truly life changing experience. Be safe. I love you tons!


  • 8. Matt  |  July 26, 2009 at 9:21 am

    Hey! I am using my spanish and have learned a thing or two. By the time this message was posted, church has already started, so no guarantees about if you got this message. I got a bunch of gifts for the family on market day (Today) before we even left for the market! The ONLY problem I will have is getting a gift for Tim. The money exchange here is 8/1 [U.S./Pesoladore things (???)], so I really came down here with $680 yet not $$. I learned two new card games and will be happy to share them w/ the family. Time for more goofing off on our final day/ free day!


  • 9. Matt  |  July 26, 2009 at 5:45 pm

    I figured out that the currency is Quetzales (ket-saul-ayes). At the market, I bought something for my brother (not to be revealed until I get home, in case he gets on and finds out what I got him), a machete, a jacket, and a shirt for my BEST FRIEND Nick, Vander Ark. All in all, I spent $80 in U.S. dolars, or 640 Quetzales. I went to a cool restaurant call Pollo Campero (poyo com-per-o). I had to get change in Quetzales,. so I have a 1 and a 10 in Quetzales.

    See you all at home!

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